Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Project 3 - 6) Final Video

This is the final video. I have learnt so much with regards to computer software which I am sure would help me with my future endeavor relating to architecture whether it being during my study or during my career. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the video.

Computer Applications : The Retreat By The Beach

Project 3 - 5) Video Editing

After the renderings were done, the clips were compiled and edited using Windows Movie Maker. The audio was included after the video editing was finished.

Project 3 - 4) Animation Rendering

The rendering was done for each clip of 100 frames with every clip containing roughly 6 seconds of video footage.

Porject 3 - 3) Key Frame Setup

The key frame is used to animate the scene. With the camera/target selected, the 'key' button near the bottom right is used to lock the camera position in place relative the the frame position. The frame usually used is 1-100 frames for each clip.

Project 3 - 2) Camera Setting

Camera positions are placed according to how the animation would look. This is essential to the animation as the movement of the camera and its target would be the point of view of the final video.

Project 3 - 1) Refining Objects

Objects that are considered big and heavy like tree objects were changed to box form to reduce the computer's usage during animation process.

The option to change to box can be found in object properties.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Project 2b - 6) Final Render

Final interior render with external lights penetrating the openings.

Second render facing the kitchen area.

Project 2b - 5) Test Render

Test rendering was done with low quality render for fast rendering. the purpose of this is to check for light quality and proper camera placement.

Project 2b - 4) Camera Placement

Camera was placed accordingly to achieve desired view for rendering purpose.

Project 2b - 3) Light Source

Light source was then included inside the structure with regards to model light source such as lamps.

Project 2b - 2) Model Placement

Models were merged into the main file and arranged accordingly.

Project 2b - 1) Download Models

Interior models were searched over several web pages and downloaded to be included in the interior. All models used were free to download.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Project 2a - 6) Final Render

First render facing the tree line.

Second render faces towards the sun setting beach.

Project 2a - 5) Final Render Test

Final render tests were done with light and materials applied to check for any errors. This type of render took less than 1 minute.

Project 2a - 4) Vegetations

Vegetations were added from the AEC extended library.

Project 2a - 3) Lights

Light sources were added after the application of materials. The light sources used were mental ray skylight and target direct. Light quality was adjusted in the environment and effects option window.

Adjusting the render setup with regards to light quality of the final render product.

Project 2a - 2) Test Render

Materials applied undergo several render tests to see if it is usable or to check for any error in orientation. Lights were not included yet in the tests.

Project 2a - 1) Apply material

Materials were applied to each surface using the material editor. Some materials were taken from internet which were then used as bitmap while other materials were taken from 3Ds Max material library.

Material for sand

Material for concrete

Material for wood

Friday, May 2, 2014

Project 1 - 11) Final Render

This is a simple render of the building with terrain included but without materials.

Project 1 - 10) Terrain

The terrain was grabbed from Sketchup.

Toggle terrain to achieve 3D terrain.

Import the terrain into 3Ds Max.

Planar was created and conform onto the terrain.

This is the final terrain in wireframe mode.

Project 1 - 9) Columns and Final Model

The small columns were finaly added for the bridge and stairs.

This is the finished model without rendering.

Project 1 - 8) Trellis

The trellis was constructed using two separates vertical and horizontal parts that were later combined.

Project 1 - 7) Stairs

The stairs was extruded from the plan and elevated using the z axis on different heights.

Project 1 - 6) Door and Bridge

The Door is a draw bridge type connected to the bridge and can be opened and closed.

Project 1 - 5) Roof

The roof was extruded from the plan and elevated along the z axis.

Project 1 - 4) Columns

The height and angle of the columns were extruded from the section of the plan.

Project 1 - 3) Walls

The walls were extruded diagonally using vertex editing.

Project 1 - 2) Floor

The floor was extruded from the plan.

Project 1 - 1) Floor Plan

 The floor plan was taken from AutoCAD drawing.